Tuesday, July 10, 2012

To Ebay or Not to Ebay??

This can be a touchy subject for some, for a couple of reason.  People always ask is it legal to buy/sell coupons?? Why yes, it is legal for the simple reason that your not purchasing the coupons.  What your actually purchasing is the time it took for that person to clip, locate and mail the coupons.

Then their are the groups of people who say, I refuse to pay for coupons on Ebay.  And that is totally fine in my book if you don't want to purchase q's (Your always more than welcome to swap on my FB page with others)  But if you wanted to know what I personally do? Here's the answer.... Yes, I do my research and find out what is the sale for the following week so I then have enough time to Ebay my q's before the products goes on sale.  Yes, I'm that person waiting for the sale to release and clear what I can lol. Hey but that's me... For the person who doesn't want to pay the $1.24 for 20 blah blah q's.....guess what I just cleared 20 of them and they are now trophies in my stock pile :)


  1. Your amazing at what you do!!!!!! I'm happy everyone on your page shares ideas and is so helpful. I check your page so many times a day!! Thanks for taking all the time and putting so much effort into your "coupon lifestyle"

  2. I do the same thing when there's not too many good qs in the inserts I rather just ebay the few I'll need. And when I buy inserts, i sell the qs I wont use so I get the money to buy the qs I will use... so nothing out of my pocket...

    I get my qs clipped ready to use them so Yes Ebay I good option for me

  3. Thanks Happy2Shop! It hard at times to keep up but when I find a good deal its so worth stocking up on.

  4. How do u find out ahead of time on sales? I have 4 kids my husband works after bills & everything we left with less than $200 for gas groceries pampers everything so i try to save any way i can

  5. Sign up directly with sites and the perks of signing up you get the see the ads a week in advance.
